
Breast Cancer Awareness Month: improve global diagnostic rates to reduce breast cancer mortality

[ad_1] Breast Cancer Awareness Month runs for the whole of October and, once again, reveals the severity of this disease, and the huge impact this has on patients’ lives, and sheds light on the urgent need of developing effective global diagnostic measures to reduce healthcare inequalities and promote breast cancer control worldwide. This is well …

Breast Cancer Awareness Month: improve global diagnostic rates to reduce breast cancer mortality Read More »

Filipe Dantas Torres – winner of the 2022 WSAVA One Health Award

[ad_1] Many congratulations to Filipe Dantas Torres, Editor-in-Chief of Parasites & Vectors, on winning the 2022 World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) One Health Award. Srimathy Sriskantharajah 7 Oct 2022 “One Health! What is that?” I was asked this by a bemused Canadian Immigration officer when I travelled to a One Health Congress in Saskatoon a few …

Filipe Dantas Torres – winner of the 2022 WSAVA One Health Award Read More »

BMC Ecology and Evolution attends The International Association for Ecology Congress 2022

[ad_1] This year BMC Ecology and Evolution followed the INTECOL 2022 congress online. INTECOL aims to act as an international advocate for the science of ecology. The association has held a congress once every four years for the past 13 years, attracting ecologists from around the world. With over 670 talks and 120 poster presentations, …

BMC Ecology and Evolution attends The International Association for Ecology Congress 2022 Read More »

Southeast Asian clearwing moths buzz like their model bees

[ad_1] Dr Marta Skowron Volponi, author of a study published in Frontiers in Zoology, takes us through the findings that moth species not only morphologically and behaviorally imitate bee species, but also use acoustic similarities to mimic bees. Dr Marta Skowron Volponi 7 Oct 2022 © Skowron Volponi et al. Clearwing moths (the Sesiidae family) …

Southeast Asian clearwing moths buzz like their model bees Read More »

Holy Helminths! Augustinian friars and their parasites.

[ad_1] A study in Cambridge investigated and compared the worm burden of friars living in a monastery in medieval England with that of towns people in the local parish. The surprising findings suggest that despite having better infrastructure, nutrition and life expectancy, the Augustinian friars had a higher prevalence of helminths compared to the local …

Holy Helminths! Augustinian friars and their parasites. Read More »

Flaviviruses make you smell like a perfume to attract blood-seeking Aedes mosquitoes, and you might be able to take a cheap, safe drug to stop them

[ad_1] Bednets in a pediatric ICU unit. Wikimedia Dengue, Zika, and other flaviviruses transmitted by mosquitoes in the Aedes genera are a major public health issue, making hundreds of millions of people sick and killing tens of thousands of people every year. These arboviruses are expected to transmit better and to more people geographically …

Flaviviruses make you smell like a perfume to attract blood-seeking Aedes mosquitoes, and you might be able to take a cheap, safe drug to stop them Read More »

A new perspective on nuptial gifts from male mosquitoes

[ad_1] Recent research has uncovered new information about the steroid hormone that male anopheline mosquitoes pass on to females during mating. Hilary Hurd 5 Aug 2022 Male Anophele gambiae (left) mating with female. Source Flaminia Catteruccia’s Faculty Website, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Photo courtesy of Sam Cotton UCL. Male anopheline mosquitoes are …

A new perspective on nuptial gifts from male mosquitoes Read More »

Meet the Winner of the Odile Bain Memorial Prize 2022

[ad_1] Now in its ninth year, the Odile Bain Memorial Prize was awarded by Parasites & Vectors, in collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health, to Jairo Alfonso Mendoza Roldan, in recognition to his scientific merits in medical and veterinary parasitology. Srimathy Sriskantharajah 12 Aug 2022 Jairo Alfonso Mendoza Roldan The Odile Bain Memorial Prize (OBMP) …

Meet the Winner of the Odile Bain Memorial Prize 2022 Read More »

Lactation Consultants could be the best investment of many countries to support healthy populations

[ad_1] Lactation Consultants are certified professionals who can provide lactation care to all breastfeeding mothers. Their role could be critical in promoting breastfeeding, extending its time duration, and improving mothers’ experiences. Mehtab Lalwani 15 Aug 2022 Image by Manojiit Tamen from Pixabay The International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the educational certification given by …

Lactation Consultants could be the best investment of many countries to support healthy populations Read More »

Tourism needs to become sustainable: How data science can help

[ad_1] As pandemic-induced travel restrictions are falling, tourism is recovering faster than expected and so are related emissions. To meet the sector’s climate targets despite growing demand, policymakers need to design effective interventions. These measures in turn rely on timely and accurate data. Recently published work in EPJ Data Science explores the possibility of utilizing …

Tourism needs to become sustainable: How data science can help Read More »

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